The Perpetual Stephen King Challenge


Hi guys! Here we have another long-term challenge to do! "The Stephen King" challenge is hosted by "Gather together and Read" !

This challenge has the sole goal of reading ALL of Mr. King's works. Yes, ALL of them. It can take you a year or a decade. it does not matter! The point is simply to read them all at whatever pace you'd like. 

Naturally, all you need is a list of all of SK's works which you can find (along with the intro post and sign up link) by clicking the image above to GT&R's blog!

Just as I have done with previous challenges that are soooooo long, I am not going to post a huge list. 

I am simply going to start with the first 5 books I'd like to read: 


2. Cell

3. The Shining                                            

4. Carrie

5. Pet Sematary 

I hope you guys will join us! Who doesn't love SK???? 



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