Midnight Sun (Twilight #5)



We are finishing up the "Twilight" series with the latest installment "Midnight Sun". Now, technically, this book does not really offer a lot of new things as it is simply "Twilight" but in Edward's point of view. However, it is an excellent support to the story and it actually clarifies several things Edward does and answers several questions that come up in the other books later on. 

Overall, the book is an excellent resource if one missed any details from the first book and Stephenie does a great job in providing a more in depth story of the original. The book did at times feel like it rambled, especially when Edward is suffering wanting to get to know Bella and dealing with his thirst for her. At times, I felt I was reading the same thing over and over. And it is not surprising as the book is physically large and long. 

But you get a glimpse of Edward's mind as well as a lot of detail from the other Cullens and that is something that I enjoyed greatly. 

Overall, it is a crucial read to any "Twilight" fan!
