The Demigod Files


Last Rick Riordan book for the day, I promise!

The Demigod Files is such a fun and informative companion book to read and I recommend it to anyone who is a hardcore fan of the Percy Jackson series. 

The book is simple. It revolves around stories from Percy and his friends as well as information about the camp itself. It even has a detailed map! The book is a very simple read but you end up learning a lot about the main gods/goddesses and the characters of the series. 

For example, one of the stories is about Hades' sword. If one reads the series, it is understandable that Zeus and Poseidon are the most powerful ones in mythology. And that Hades is seen as underperforming simply because of who he is and his underworld domain. Well, in the sword of Hades story we see the reason of Hades' new sword as a way to put "balance" in the power of the Big Three. This is interesting because the new sword is definitely useful against threats like Gaea! 

I recommend this book to anyone with a love for Greek mythology. Something I really love about Rick Riordan's books is that he does such an amazing job with getting his readers to connect to the characters even though they are demigods. Not to mention the fact that he portrays the Gods/Goddesses of mythology with personalities and quirks and so it feels like if someone were to talk about one of them, the reader would be able to associate things from the books as reality even though it is fiction. That is how he portrays the story!

Overall, I give this mini-book: 


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