Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (HP #3)
Today we'll cover Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, an awesome book! Harry is now 13 years old and his rebellious streak has landed him in trouble with Aunt Marge. He blows her up in a fit of rage and leaves the Dursleys' home because he is fed up with them. Turns out, it isn't a good idea when Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban. Tangled in a web of tricks and lies, Harry must figure out the truth of Sirius Black and his connection to his deceased parents. Not to mention the arrival of Professor Lupin proves a challenge for the trio as the they battle dementors and the real identity of Peter Pettigrew.
One of the best books in the series, prisoner of Azkaban does a great job in the action scenes and I absolutely love the mystery behind Sirius and Peter.
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