Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth (PJ#3)
This book really kicks off things as we get closer and closer to the final battle between Kronos and his Titans and Percy and the Olympians!
In this book, we learn about the Labyrinth, a maze underground that is filled with monsters and deadly traps with magical abilities and hiding terrible things. The Titans are trying to overthrow the camp and Percy and Annabeth have no choice but to use the same labyrinth they are using to spy. However, more issues occur.
Now, we have another child of the big three: Nico, son of Hades (His sister Bianca becomes a hunter of Artemis). However, Thalia agrees on becoming a hunter as well which means we only have Percy and Nico to take the reins. Nico is such an interesting character, his fatal flaw is holding a grudge...which he has against Percy for not completing a promise.
Percy's powers and mastery have skyrocketed and this book offers us a big glimpse into that. It truly always makes me think that Percy is the strongest half blood there is!
This book holds a lot of twists and turns as we navigate through the maze and the ending is fantastic! I won't spoil more!
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